Hansa GUL VR Series 2020-Event No3 Y&Y Report and Results
11th May 2020

Hansa GUL VR Series 2020-Event No3 Y&Y Report and Results news article
Our third event in the 2020 Hansa GUL VR Series TT Series was held on Tuesday 5th May.
Follow this link to see the results: http://www.hansaclass.org.uk/page-results.html
Read a full report on the Yachts and Yachting website on the following link: This includes the exciting announcement of some spot prizes. https://www.yachtsandyachting.com/news/228810/Hansa-GUL-VR-Series-2020-Week-3
Thanks to David for preparing the results for this event and for the series to date and the T&T Report.
The next event in the Hansa GUL VR Series is Event No4 which take place on Tuesday 12th May.
Details: https://www.hansaclass.org.uk/page-hansa_virtual_racing.html