Amendments and additions to the 2020 HCUK Racing and Training programme
18th February 2020
Amendments and additions to the 2020 HCUK Racing and Training programme news article
There has been some changes, confirmations and additions to our 2020 Hansa Racing and Training Programme and you will find the details on our HCUK website in the following places:.
Details can be found on this website in the following places:
Go to the HCUK All Racing and Training Events page. .
Scroll down to the list of all the 2020 Hansa racing and training events.
Each event has a link to the events "Details" page.
You can also access these"Details" pages by going to the CALENDAR - Hansa Class Events page and scrolling through the calendar to each event,
At The top of the "HCUK All Racing and Training Events" page you will find a link to a PDF of the "2020 Hansa Racing and Training Programme" which you can download or print
There are still some events to be confirmed plus some events we are hoping to add to the Scottish TT series and some training events to be added when they are arranged. So keep a close eye on these website pages for updates