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Hansa Class UK

RYA Volvo Dinghy Show

20th January 2010

RYA Volvo Dinghy Show news article

RYA Volvo Dinghy Show

Come along and meet the Sailability team and the class associations that work with disabled sailors at the RYA Volvo Dinghy Show on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th March.

They will all be together as part of the Sailability Marina in the Panorama Hall, along with a small pontoon and interactive hoist.

On show will be: Access 203 and 303, Challenger Trimaran, the new Windrider 10, Artemis 20 and Paralympic 2.4 metre single handed boat and Skud 18.

Matt Grier the Disability Development Racing Coach and representatives from all the classes will be on hand to give advice on the boats and the national racing programme along with the Hamble team.

Win Prizes for your sailing club!

The more club members that book advance tickets, the bigger the prize potential!

Bring 10 people - Enter a draw to win Rooster buoyancy aids

Bring 20 people – Enter a draw to win Volvo racing marks

Bring 30 people – Enter a draw to win a Rigiflex safety boat with Suzuki 9.9hp outboard.

See website for more details about the show and how to buy a ticket: www.dinghyshow.org.uk or call 0844 811 0409

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