2015 Hansa Racing Programme - Full Details now available on this website
22nd December 2014
2015 Hansa Class Association (UK) Racing Programme now available on this website news article
Full details of the 2015 Hansa Class Association (UK) Racing Programme is now published on this website.
Details can be found in the following places:
In the "Events" section of this web site you will find a page for the following:
Hansa Class UK Racing and Training Events This page gives links to all the UK racing and training events that the HCA(UK) has organised for Hansa 2.3, 303 and Liberty classes.
Go to the sub-page entitled Traveller Trophy and Grand Prix events This page gives all the information you need to enter, take part and follow the Traveller Trophy and Grand Prix (GP) series' which incorporates the Northern, Southern and Western Championship series'
You can find National Championship details on the Hansa UK National Championships. This page gives all the info you will need to enter, take part or follow the Hansa/Access Class National Championships.
As the Hansa European Championships are to be held in the UK at Rutland in 2015 We have opened a special dedicated page separate from the events section. You will find this in the main menu bar entitled "2015 Hansa Euros". This will give all the information you need to plan, enter, compete and/or follow this event. You will find the 2015 Hansa European Championships event programme already on this page and We hope to publish the Notice of Race here in the next few days.
You can also find the full programme of 2015 events with all the details you need by going to the CALENDAR - Hansa Class events. page. and scrolling through the year.
My thanks to Andy, Lindsay and Marcus for all the work they have put into arranging this exciting 2015 Racing programme and to all the Host clubs that have volunteered their services and facilities and committed to providing us with all these great events.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the events that make up this exciting 2015 programme.
All my best wishes for an exciting, successful and blessed 2015.